Terms and conditions

1. About Lodgerin

LODGERIN APP, SL, (hereinafter LODGERIN), is a Spanish company with registered office at Calle Justiniano, no. 12, BJ, D, 28012, Madrid and with Tax Identification Number B86680840. Contact telephone number: (+34) 919 912 371. Contact e-mail: admin@lodgerin.com

LODGERIN is not an owner, manager, or real estate agent, therefore, the accommodations advertised on the platform are not, in any way, owned by LODGERIN.

LODGERIN is an intermediary service provider platform, which puts TENANTS (hereinafter referred to as tenant user - TU) in contact with OWNERS (hereinafter referred to as landlord user - LU), who will subsequently sign a private housing lease contract that will only bind them to each other.

LODGERIN'S purpose is to be an intermediary between a TU and an LU in the process prior to signing the lease contract, with the understanding that the work is finished once the reservation has been paid by the TU. In no case will LODGERIN be part of the lease contract and will not have any kind of responsibility over them, nor for the clauses established in them since they are made by the LU, and not binding in any way to LODGERIN.

The LU has this platform to register and place their advertisement, in addition, they will be able to contract the management services offered by the platform. LODGERIN will only verify that everything is correct, according to the rules of proper use of the platform. If the LU needs a professional to take photos of their accommodation, LODGERIN can provide this through an agreement between the LU and LODGERIN.

LODGERIN provides the user with a DIGITAL PLATFORM that puts LANDLORDS (hereinafter referred to as landlord user - LU) in contact with TENANTS (hereinafter referred to as tenant user - TU), so that the latter can book accommodations for short, medium and long-term periods. These digital platforms, owned by LODGERIN, indicate the services offered. In no case are tourist services offered.

2. Terms and conditions

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before proceeding with the use of this service, it is advisable that you read this text very carefully, as it contains the TERMS and CONDITIONS that govern the agreement between the user of the service and LODGERIN.

The following text contains important information regarding the user's rights and obligations, LODGERIN's liability and applicable law, and therefore constitutes A CONTRACT that legally binds the user and LODGERIN.

Likewise, when the user accepts this text, they are showing that they understand and accept these terms and conditions as if it were a binding contract signed in writing.

These terms and conditions may be modified at any time by LODGERIN. Any modification will be communicated to the user via the website or by e-mail provided that they have given their permission to do so and/or have registered as a user, so that these terms and conditions will be available at all times.

We suggest that you review our terms and conditions each time you visit our website to be aware of any changes that may occur, since by accessing the website after a modification you will be agreeing to comply with the new Terms and Conditions, it being understood that you have read and understood them.

ACCEPTANCE of the terms and conditions: when the you enter

3. Lodgerin services

LODGERIN offers the following services:

  • Accommodation offer
  • Accommodation service
  • Accommodation management (for LU)


LODGERIN offers a search engine for accommodations worldwide: Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Holland, Germany and the USA.

Each accommodation advertisement is made between LODGERIN and the OWNER according to the following publication criteria:

  • Truthfulness of the information provided by the LU
  • Check of rental conditions
  • Market price equalization
  • Clear and detailed description of the property and equipment used


  • Verification of the booking service
  • Revision of rental conditions
  • Follow-up and assistance during the stay


  • Real estate marketing
  • Pre-check-in Services
  • Booking Fee Services

4. Important terms/terminology

CONTENT: everything on the


USER: any person who uses the services offered on any of the websites owned by LODGERIN.

The use, access, registration and use of the LODGERIN platforms by minors (under 18 years of age) is prohibited. Any registration made on either platform proves that the user is of legal age. LODGERIN is not responsible for the fraudulent use of registered data.

LANDLORDS: Any natural or legal person or any other entity that owns or has sufficient title to rent, on their own behalf or on behalf of third parties, property for short, medium and long-term rental.

TENANT USER (TU): Hereinafter - TU. Any person who makes use of any of the LODGERIN platforms for the search, reservation and occupancy of the accommodations promoted therein.

LANDLORD USER (LU): Hereinafter - LU. The natural or legal person or entity that previously agrees with LODGERIN the publication of an ACCOMMODATION ADVERTISEMENT so that the TU can book it through any of the LODGERIN platforms.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Property (apartment, house, studio, or room) that the LU publishes on any of the LODGERIN platforms, as well as student residences and host families.

PROPERTY ADVERTISEMENT: An advertisement published on any of the LODGERIN platforms relating to an accommodation.

LEASE AGREEMENT: Private lease agreement signed between the TU and LU.

LODGERIN will never be a party to this contract, nor will it be responsible for the terms of this contract.

SECURITY DEPOSIT: Refers to the amount that the TU must pay to the LU to cover any damage or defect caused during occupancy of the accommodation, as well as any breach of the rental agreement by the TU. LODGERIN is not involved and will not be responsible for managing the return of the deposit.

The security deposit will be returned by the owner after departure at the end of the lease contract and is subject to deductions for damages. The security deposit affects both the TU and the LU of the accommodation. LODGERIN is not involved and will not be responsible for managing the return of the deposit.

RESERVATION PAYMENT: Amount the TU pays at the time of booking for the purpose of retaining the accommodation. This amount is paid by the TU to LODGERIN and LODGERIN immediately pays this to the owner of the accommodation. The amount of this payment is determined by the LU in the lease agreement file.

CONFIRMATION OF RESERVATION: Refers to the firm acceptance by the LU of the lease of the property and is paid by the TU. This will be done through a confirmation letter that will be posted in the TU profile.

LODGERIN ADMINISTRATION FEES TO LU: This is the amount (including VAT) that LODGERIN charges the LU of the accommodation when a reservation is made, taking into account the services provided by LODGERIN to the landlord through the platform.

LODGERIN'S ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES TO THE TU: Amount (including VAT) that the TU pays to LODGERIN as charges when a reservation is accepted, taking into account the services provided by LODGERIN to the user.

PAYMENT OF RENT: Amount to be paid by the TU to the LU, as established in the clauses of the private rental contract signed by both parties. LODGERIN is not responsible for any rental payments.

AMOUNT OF THE RESERVATION: Refers to the amount of LODGERIN's commission to the TU plus the reservation fee.

INITIAL PAYMENT: Refers to the amount that the TU pays the LU directly as rent, which can be monthly, bi-monthly or a full payment in advance.

VAT: Value added tax.

CHECK-IN DATE: Date on which the TU indicates that they will enter the accommodation. It does so in the RESERVATION.

CHECK-OUT DATE: Date on which the TU, indicates that they will leave the accommodation. It does so in the RESERVATION.

MARKETING: Service by which a property is advertised on our website.

PRE-CHECK-IN SERVICE: Marketing service + tenant verification through OCR system and signature of the contract electronically, which has EU validity.

RESERVATION FEE TENANTS: Service for which a tenant must pay a fee at the time of making a reservation.

INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT: Integrated management of the process of renting property for an average stay: Marketing + Pre-check-in + Financial management of the property + Check-out + Maintenance and cleaning + Resolution of incidents.

5. Lodgerin Platform operation and TU and LU cancellation policy


5.1.1.- Registration:

Through the platform, the TU can make the desired search according to their search criteria.

The TU can login in 3 ways: through Facebook, Google or with their email. They will then be able to register and create their student account.

If the TU is not previously registered, a pop-up window will appear that will take them through the registration process, and they must accept the Terms and Conditions of the service at this time.

5.1.2.- Accommodation search:

On the website, the TU will have a map showing the accommodations related to their search criteria (location, price, deadline, etc.). By pointing to an accommodation on the map, the TU will be able to see the features of the selected accommodation.

Once an accommodation has been chosen, a description of its features will be displayed:

  • Detailed description of the property or room
  • Photos
  • Detail of expenses
  • Cancellation Policy
  • Dates
  • Check in/out times
  • Terms and conditions

5.1.3.- Lodging reservation:

Once the desired accommodation has been selected, the following personal data will be requested: name and surname, email, reservation dates, etc. If the TU has already registered at the beginning, these data will be automatically entered in their profile (they will not be able to make a reservation if they are not registered). This profile will also contain the discount code option, as well as a chat with LODGERIN option.

Next, a page will open containing:

  • Total payment (deposit and booking fee*)
  • Calendar (check-in and check-out dates)
  • Box to incorporate discount code
  • Payment gateway (on the next screen)

*Booking fee: price that will be automatically generated depending on the price of the property and length of stay, which may be reduced by discount codes.

Finally, once the payment has been accepted, the booking will have been successfully completed and the TU will have all the information regarding the booked accommodation, as well as the relevant documentation, in their profile.

Within the profile the TU will be able to apply for several accommodations, each accommodation reservation supposes a PRE AUTHORIZATION of the amount of LODGERIN's commission to the TU for administration expenses, plus the DEPOSIT. This pre-authorization involves advising their credit/debit card provider that the amount could be charged to the card.

If the LU rejects a reservation, the card will not be charged for that amount.

If the LU accepts a reservation, the amount of the reservation will be charged to the card.

5.1.4.- Help Center:

Through the platform the TU will have access to a "Help Center" (FAQ for each section), as well as direct contact through the mail admin@lodgerin.com or through the website's chat function.

5.2.- FEES

Each accommodation has a set price, depending on the location, size, condition of the property and length of stay. The price of the property is established in each advertisement on the LODGERIN website.


When the TU has made a reservation and it has been accepted by the LU, LODGERIN will charge the TU its administration fees (including VAT) plus the amount of the deposit.

However, if the TU cancels the reservation before it has been accepted by the LU, LODGERIN will not charge any of the aforementioned amounts. If the TU cancels the reservation, but it has already been accepted by the LU, LODGERIN's administration fees will not be refunded to the TU.

There are three types of cancellation policy for the TU, The LU will be able to choose one of them and this will be shown in the accommodation advertisement. This policy will be in effect for all future reservations. If the LU does not specifically select a policy, the "standard policy" will be applied by default.

5.3.1.- Flexible

If the TU cancels the reservation:

Within 3 days or less of the check-in date. An LU with a flexible cancellation policy will not refund any amount captured after the booking confirmation.

Within a period of 3 to 30 days prior to the check-in date, the LU with a flexible cancellation policy will refund 50% of the first month's rent to the tenant.

If it is more than 30 days before the check-in date, the LU with a flexible cancellation policy will reimburse 100% of the first month's rent to the tenant.

5.3.2.- Standard

If the TU cancels the reservation:

Within 30 days or fewer to the check-in date, the LU with a standard cancellation policy will not refund any amount captured after the booking confirmation.

Between 30 and 60 days prior to the check-in date, the LU with a standard cancellation policy will refund 50% of the first month's rent to the tenant.

With a standard cancellation policy, the LU will reimburse 100% of the first month's rent to the tenant more than 60 days before the check-in date.

5.3.3.- Strict (NON-REFUNDABLE)

Whenever TU cancels a reservation confirmed by the LU, the LU will not refund any amount to TU.


5.4.1. Rights:

To use the LODGERIN platform

To browse the platform to find the most suitable accommodation.

To find accommodation in expected and reasonable condition in terms of habitability and that the features published in the advertisement are maintained: features, services, price, etc.

To have a period of 24 hours to inform LODGERIN of any defect or serious deficiency existing in the accommodation, as well as the non-coincidence of the features offered in the advertisement, which prevent habitability or constitute a health risk. They will do so by contributing photos and/or videos through their profile on the platform.

To enjoy their reserved accommodation.

To execute with the LU a housing lease contract which establishes all the features offered in the advertisement.

In the event that the accommodation is not in an expected and reasonable condition or does not match the description advertised, the TU may request LODGERIN to find a similar accommodation, if the LU has not solved the problem within 36 hours.

If the LU has not solved the problem referred to in the previous paragraph within the agreed period, the TU may cancel the reservation and reclaim the initial payment from the LU.

5.4.2. Obligations:

Optimal use of the LODGERIN platform.

The total payments of the fees corresponding to their reservation.

Compliance with agreed check-in and check-out dates.

Maintenance and conservation of the property in the best condition.

Compliance with the rules of coexistence in the property.

To respect customs and not to violate the rules of the country where they are to reside.

Compliance with the clauses established in the private lease contract with the LU.

To communicate to LODGERIN the intention to cancel or modify a reservation.

To maintain fluid communication with the LU in relation to the private property contract.


5.5.1.- Registration and upload process

The LU can login in 3 ways: through Facebook, Google or email. They will then be able to register and create their landlord account, otherwise they will not be able to start the upload process.

The first step for the LU is "Offer my property". If they do not have an account, clicking on this field will also take them to the registration field.

Progressively, they will be asked to enter data related to: profile information, accommodation information (location, main features, description, price, availability, photos, video, etc.).

Once this step is completed, the registration process will be finished.

The LU will also have their personal profile, where they will have access to personal data, payment methods, accommodations and their features, chat for each accommodation and chat with LODGERIN.

5.5.2.- Reservation confirmation

The LU of the accommodation can accept or reject the reservation made by the TU.

5.5.3.- Help Center

Through the platform the LU will have access to a "Help Center" (FAQ for each section), as well as direct contact through the email admin@lodgerin.com or through the website chat function.


The LU shall own all copyrights on the audiovisual material inserted on the platform, being able to use it on any platform other than LODGERIN.

In the event that LODGERIN provides a professional to LU to take photos and/or videos of their accommodation, if such professional is paid by LODGERIN, the copyright on such material shall be owned by LODGERIN.


If the LU rejects the reservation, both the LODGERIN administration fees and the deposit are returned in full to the TU.

If the LU cancels the reservation after it has already been accepted, the TU will be refunded their reservation fee (including VAT) and the initial payment. Regarding the service fee:

  • If the LU cancels the reservation 31 or more days prior to the TU's check-in date, LODGERIN will not charge the LU any fees.
  • If the LU cancels the reservation between 30 and 3 days prior to the TU's arrival, the LU must pay LODGERIN the amount equivalent to 25% of the initial payment.
  • If the LU cancels the reservation less than 3 days before the TU check-in date, LODGERIN will charge the amount equivalent to 50% of the initial payment.


5.8.1 Rights:

To use the LODGERIN platform once registered.

To request the cancellation/withdrawal of the advertisement with prior notification to LODGERIN.

Within 3 days, to notify LODGERIN of any error in the publication of the advertisement.

To receive from LODGERIN, once the reservation is confirmed, the following items: the deposit amount minus the percentage stipulated with the LU in the previously signed collaboration agreement.

To communicate to LODGERIN any serious damage or problem that may occur in the accommodation.

To collect the rental fee, as determined in the property file and in the lease agreement signed with the TU.

5.8.2. Obligations:

If the reservation is confirmed within the maximum period established (24 hrs)

To maintain the veracity of the features between the published advertisement and the property.

To provide LODGERIN with all the data necessary for the publication of the advertisement.

To enter into a private lease agreement with the student user. To provide a contract that will be binding between both parties. LODGERIN will not be responsible for this.

To carry out within 72 hours, repairs, changes or eliminate any serious defect or deficiency that is a reason for making the accommodation uninhabitable.

To return the deposit established in the private contract if the accommodation is returned in the same condition as it was at the start of the contract.

The landlord (owner) accepts and agrees that once a user requests the reservation of their accommodation, the price of the same may not be altered, nor may the conditions of the accommodation provided on the website vary.

6. Management services Lodgerin offers the LU

Lodgerin offers a fully digitalized management service for the accommodation, where the owner can decide which service to acquire and which integrated solution suits them best. From an individual marketing service to a comprehensive management service.

6.1. Services/packages offered:

  1. Marketing: service by which a property is advertised on our website:
    • Marketing Listing:
      • Dedicated to property managers and owners who are familiar with publishing tools.
      • Companies with API integration or iCal use. Self-management of availability and prices.
    • Organized Marketing:
      • Dedicated to owners with little or no knowledge of publishing tools.
      • We provide capture, video and virtual tour services, price and decoration advice, home uploading and iCal system explanation.
  2. Pre-check-in service: Marketing service + tenant verification through OCR system and signature of the contract electronically, which has EU validity.
    • Pre-check-in + Marketing Listing:
      • Dedicated to property managers and owners who are familiar with publishing tools.
      • Companies with API integration or using iCal. Self-management of availability and prices.
    • Pre-check-in + Organized Marketing:
      • Dedicated to owners with little or no knowledge of publishing tools.
      • We provide capture, video and virtual tour services, price and decoration advice, home uploading and iCal system explanation.
      • Drafting of individualized lease contract.
  3. Integrated management: (Only for medium-term rentals in Spain): Marketing + Pre-check-in + Financial management of the property (we offer a payment gateway between the landlord and tenant) + check-out + maintenance and cleaning + solution of incidents.
    • Comprehensive fund management (between 60 and more than 300 properties):
      • Dedicated to investment funds that want to outsource their management and diversify their portfolio in a medium-term market with young professionals and students as main tenants.
    • Integrated management of small real estate assets (from 1 to 59 properties):
      • Dedicated to small, high net worth investors interested in monetizing their assets through passive income, with no interest in wasting time on management.

The price offered for each package/service will depend on whether it concerns a specialized real estate investment fund or a small owner. The type of real estate, area and type of management to be carried out will also have an effect on the prices of these packages/services.

7.- Lodgerin's rights and responsibilities

LODGERIN has the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, which will be communicated to the user on the Web or by e-mail provided that they have given their permission to do so and/or have registered as a user. These terms and conditions will be available to the consumer at all times.

We suggest that you review our Terms and Conditions each time you visit our website to be aware of any changes that may occur, since by accessing after a modification you will be agreeing to comply with the new Terms and Conditions, it being understood that you have read and understood them.

LODGERIN will ensure that the advertisements and data entered on the platform are real and truthful in order to avoid any type of violation or fraud in them.

Publication of rental advertisements, at the request of the LUs.

LODGERIN does not own, sell, rent, lease, furnish, manage or control the properties.

It facilitates the LODGERIN platform

It accepts the reservation payment on behalf of the LU. From this payment LODGERIN will deduct the service fee (including VAT), which has been previously agreed with the LU through the collaboration agreement.

LODGERIN is not responsible for the collection of monthly rents, as it is not party to the lease contract.

LODGERIN is not responsible for any damage or defects that may occur to an accommodation during the term of the lease, as LODGERIN is not a party to the lease.

To create and verify all advertisements on the platform.

To guarantee the features of the accommodations as of the date on which they were verified.

If the features of an accommodation have changed without the LU having brought this to the attention of LODGERIN, LODGERIN reserves the right to remove the advertisement, subject to prior notice to the LU for failure to comply with their obligations.

To issue the corresponding detailed invoices to both the TU and the LU.

To cancel, block access to or deactivate ads, as a precautionary measure, without being obliged to justify any cause and without notice whenever they are subject to verification for a possible fraud or violation. Once verified, the competent user and/or competent authority will be notified.

8. Entry Policy

Once a booking has been accepted by the LU and all the information has been sent to the TU, the LU has to guarantee that the accommodation booked by the TU is in the same condition in terms of habitability and features indicated in the advertisement.

LODGERIN only has the task of putting the TU in contact with the LU through its platform, managing booking of the accommodation with the ultimate goal of the TU and LU signing a lease contract (to which the platform is not a party). Any action or consequence after that period that is the result of the private relationship between the TU and the LU, will not be the responsibility of LODGERIN, since LODGERIN is only responsible for the management and receipt of the reservation, which is understood to be finalized once the TU has made the payment for the reservation and the LU has accepted it.

The TU has a period of 24 hours from entry into the accommodation to communicate to LODGERIN any deficiency or serious impairment affecting the habitability of the accommodation. They will do so through their profile on the platform.

After 48 hours from entry into the accommodation by the TU, and without the TU having notified any deficiency of habitability, LODGERIN will transfer the initial payment to the LU.

As far as the lease agreement is concerned, it will be signed only by the TU and the LU. Therefore, LODGERIN has no legal responsibility or liability of any kind in the event of any dispute, disagreement or claim, as it is not party to the lease agreement. Any circumstance arising from the aforementioned lease agreement shall be settled between the TU and LU, according to the established clauses and stipulations.

The parties to the lease are advised to read the lease carefully, as it will govern the contractual rental relationship between both parties.

9. Right of Withdrawal

LEGAL NOTICE: Article 16 Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 25, 2011, establishes the following:

"Exceptions to the right of withdrawal:

Member States shall not include the right of withdrawal referred to in Articles 9 to 15 for distance and off-premises contracts relating to:

Service contracts once the service has been fully performed when performance has begun, with the prior express consent of the consumer and with the acknowledgement by the consumer that they are aware that, once the contract has been fully performed by the trader, they will have lost their right of withdrawal."

LODGERIN is an intermediary that connects tenants and landlords. Therefore, its services are considered fully rendered:

  • when the Resident has made a Reservation Request and when the Owner has approved such Reservation Request.
  • when the Owner has approved the Reservation Request made by the Resident.

The user acknowledges that they understand and accept that once the reservation request has been made, they will lose their right of withdrawal.

10. Lodgerin cancellation policy for non-delivery of service

LODGERIN will fully refund the amount deposited by any user whenever it does not comply with the provisions of this page or cannot provide a service, provided that it is for a reason attributable to LODGERIN. It will increase the legal interest of the money by two percentage points, from when the first payment is made until it is returned by cancellation.

The amount paid will also be refunded in full if it is due to force majeure (flood, earthquake, natural disaster) and if the tenant does not wish to be relocated to another accommodation.

Other than the above, the cancellation policy applicable to each listing is chosen by the property owner.

LODGERIN is not responsible for any refund of the reservation deposit. In the event of a cancellation, the owner of the accommodation is the one who will have to make the final decision regarding the refund of the reservation deposit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LODGERIN is authorized by the owner to receive payment from the student for the purposes of accepting and processing the reservation.

11. Complaint form

The company has complaint forms that are available to users through the following link: https://www.comunidad.madrid/sites/default/files/hoja_para_imprimir_cm_2022.pdf

Download and link directly to LODGERIN website.

12. Applicable law and dispute resolution

All matters relating to the platform and its terms and conditions shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Spanish law.

Before filing any type of complaint, it is advisable to contact LODGERIN to try to resolve the dispute through: admin@lodgerin.com. If an agreement cannot be reached, the consumer may file a complaint with the Municipal Consumer Information Office nearest to their home or with the Directorate General of Trade and Consumer Affairs.

The consumer is recommended that all communications with the seller or service provider be made using mechanisms that leave a record of their delivery, i.e. in writing or on any durable medium such as, for example, email.

Any dispute arising from the existence, access, use or content of this contract shall be resolved through the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the consumer and user or the registered office of LODGERIN, at the choice of the consumer.