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Currently about 6 million people visit Madrid every year. Madrid is an international reference city in events and culture. Within the culture there are many aspects to consider. One of those aspects is museums, and Madrid has several of the largest museums in Europe and the world.
For this reason in this post we show you which museums you cannot miss in Madrid. Among these museums are the Prado Museum, Reina Sofía or Thyssen-Bornemisza. In case you like this type of activities, on the Lodgerin website you can see different student accommodation options near this area.

Prado Museum
The Prado Museum is one of the Madrid museums that form the triangle of art. The formation of a triangle of the 3 main museums in Madrid is known by this name: Museo del Prado, Reina Sofía and Thyssen-Bornemisza. By concentrating these 3 museums around the Paseo del Prado, it was decided to give it a joint name.
The Prado Museum was opened to the public in 1819. The sources of the main artistic collections that it exhibits come from the kings of the Austrian dynasty and the Bourbons. The main attraction of this museum are the artworks of European painters from the 16th to the 19th centuries.
The Prado Museum is the museum that has more artworks by historical artists such as Velázquez, Goya, Tiziano or Rubens. Among some of the best pictures he has are “Las Meninas” by Velázquez, “Los Fusilamientos” by Goya or “Las Tres Gracias” by Rubens.
In the event that you have little time to visit the Prado Museum by having your student room away, the Prado Museum offers guided tours. These guided tours are of different durations: one, two or three hours. All this according to your availability. These visits are important since the Museum is very large and thus you optimize the visit.
Prado Museum is open every day, for a price of 14 euros, depending on possible discounts. This is the price throughout the day, except for the last two hours at which the entrance to the museum is free.
The Prado Museum is located in an area of Madrid where the offer of apartments for rent is very wide. Visit our website for more information.

Reina Sofía National Museum of Art
The Reina Sofía National Art Museum is a museum that is located in the former San Carlos Hospital. It is a museum that contains a very important collection of 20th century and contemporary art.
It was opened to the public in 1988 as a temporary exhibition hall, and in 1992 a permanent exhibition of artistic collections was established.
Initially, it was inaugurated as an extension of the Prado Museum, in which they exhibited artworks from the birth of Picasso forward.
The main content of the artworks of the Reina Sofía National Art Museum are pictures by artists such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró and Salvador Dalí. Although it is true that the Museum has recently received some previous pictures by artists such as Goya or Sorolla.
The greatest artwork that this museum has, among others is “El Guernica” by Picasso. For pictures like this, the entrance price to the museum is 8 euros. This is the standard price, but both on weekends and the last two hours of the week, admission to the museum is free.
The museum offers guided tour services and audio guides to know all the details of the exhibits, and also optimize the visit time.

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is a museum that is located in the Vistahermosa Palace, which is owned by the Spanish State.
The content of this museum comes mainly from a private collection of the Thyssen barons.
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is distributed in 3 floors in which the artworkst are arranged chronologically so that they have a logical sequence. The theme of the pictures is mainly from the history of art from the Renaissance to the twentieth century.
The entrance fee to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is 9 euros, except Mondays from 12:00 to 16:00 in which admission is free.

In conclusion, there are 3 museums in Madrid that you cannot miss if you are going to study abroad. These three museums are: Prado Museum, Reina Sofía National Museum of Art and Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.
In case the visit to museums is one of your hobbies, do not forget to visit the Lodgerin website to find a flat for students near the area of these museums.